
2 min readNov 30, 2020

I started writing again, and I am trying to get used to it. I told myself every month I should write at least 1 post to recap what has been going on in my life :D

There’s nothing much going on this month to be honest because it was rather calm than the previous month. No one is hurting my feeling, but my gum is in extreme pain where I had to take a painkiller. I had massive changes on my braces treatment- my orthodontist made me wear P O W E R C H A I N. Worst. Feeling. Ever. But luckily I only have less than a month with braces so yeay! Tapi tetep aja, on my second day wearing that thing on my teeth, gue cuma makan scrambled egg for breakfast, porigde for lunch, and yoghurt for dinner. I was so starving but I can’t even chew properly HHHH.

Things at work are relatively OK, chaotic but nothing particularly stressed me out like last month. I worked on several important decks for my division, and things are getting busier with my new project because we are so close to starting the project.

My mental life is pretty stable (ga kayak kemaren lagi goyang banget dan mixed feeling karena satu hal), so nothing specific drained my emotion. I have managed myself waking up early, doing my chores, going home late, then sleeping less than 8 hours but more than 6 hours (!!!!). What an achievement hehe.

My volunteering life with CISV has been very busy, we have a weekly meeting this month to prepare for our first-ever virtual open day. I miss my CISV friends so much I just wish we can see each other in person and doing some physical activities like we used to. From time to time I think I start forgetting some CISV activities and energizers because pandemic won’t allow me to have a camp. *Sad*

Overall, this month is stable but feels like forever. I feel like I have been working here for like 6 months lol. On the bright side, I think some of my friends are going to be my co-workers. I also miss them because it’s been a while since we talk in person, maybe January at MBloc?

